Sample Policies
Sample Policies and Procedures
On this page you will find sample policies and procedures that can be adapted to suit the needs of your group or organisation. Feel free to download these sample policies, but as with the sample the forms you MUST adapt as necessary for your group or organisaiton and Young Lives accept no responsiblity for the content and use.
Policies are definitions or courses of action which have been agreed by a group or orgnisation's governing body or trustees. They can be general, for example no smoking on the premises or in front of children, or specific such as all workers and volunteers must have a CRB check. For legal reasons it is important that charities and not for profit groups and organisations have policies that will protect the group and its staff, clients and volunteers.
Procedures are step-by-step instructions, such as how to carry specific tasks.
You will also find a range of policies on the Workforce Development page here
Behaviour Management
Here is a policy for managing behaviour within your group or service.
Fire Evacuation Procedure
A basic fire evacuation procedure. This form must be adapted to complete your meeting place and other information. You can download the form here.
Links to other organisations
There are several websites you can visit that have a wide range of policies and procedures for workforce development. If you are in need of policies, especially in the area of Human Resources, visit these websites, compare the policies and take your pick.
Policies are definitions or courses of action which have been agreed by a group or orgnisation's governing body or trustees. They can be general, for example no smoking on the premises or in front of children, or specific such as all workers and volunteers must have a CRB check. For legal reasons it is important that charities and not for profit groups and organisations have policies that will protect the group and its staff, clients and volunteers.
Any of these policies and procedures can be adapted to suit the needs of your group or organisation. When you visit the websites you will be able to download the polices, but you MUST adapt as necessary for your group or organisaiton.
Please note that Young Lives can accept no responsibility for the content and use.
Here you will find advice on policies and procedures, including a check list to see if you have all the policies you need. These are mainly HR policies and include health and safety, risk assessment and recruitment, plus many others.
National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
This organisation has a list of sample HR Policies that van be downloaded and used by Groups. These include absence, appraisal and child protection, plus many more. Please note the disclaimer at the top of the page. You will the policies at:
This organisation also has a wide range of sample policies around employee and organisational management.