Young Lives Consortium is a membership organisation of Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) groups working with children and young people aged 0-25 years across the Wakefield District.

We work alongside a broad range of organisations which include charities, voluntary and community groups, uniform and faith groups providing play, youth services, sports services, and more.

We support our members to assist children and young people in the Wakefield District to develop key skills and competences, to be resilient and meet their full potential. 

Young Lives Consortium is based at the Lightwaves Leisure Centre, Wakefield. A small team works across the Wakefield District to drive and deliver the primary function of Young Lives Consortium.  Working together with VCSE and partners including children, young people and families to improve outcomes. 

This work includes:

  • Group Development to help you to set up a group or work with you to develop your group and ensure policies and procedures are in place.
  • Training - we work with the Local Authority and other organisations to ensure that appropriate and adequate training is in place within the district.
  • Voice and influence
  • Safeguarding to help you with safeguarding matters and policies.
  • Partnerships
  • We respond to emerging needs and issues within the children and young people’s VCSE. Currently, this involves working alongside organisations to improve emotional wellbeing.
    Please see as an example of the partnership work we do. 

Click here to find out more about:

The Young Lives Staff Team 
Chair and Directors 