Human Resources
Human Resources
Pension Reform
2012 signals the introduction of new pension reform that will affect all employers. The Guardian's Voluntary Sector Network has an article on how charities can make sure they are prepared for auto-enrolment pension changes, including how to cope with possible increased costs. In an effort to address the problem of an ageing population coupled with the fact that an estimated seven million people are undersaving for their retirement, the government are introducing new pension legislation from October 2012. Under the Pensions Act 2008, all employers will be required to auto-enrol eligible staff into a pension scheme and contribute towards their retirement. There is a lot for organisations to consider, so visit the website for five key steps to help employers prepare for pension reform:
The employment year ahead - a sector round-up
Sandy Adirondack's Legal Update focuses on the voluntary sector. It includes proposals arising from the government's red tape challenge, and looks at what is in the pipeline as well as definite changes. There is lots of useful information about employment and volunteering, charity and company law, equality, redundancy, health and safety etc. A very useful website:
Understanding basic rights at work
The TUC is launching a new microsite to help people find out more about their basic rights at work. Basic Rights @ Work will introduce vulnerable workers - people who have little knowledge of their employment rights, who find it hard to access advice and who do not have the ability to protect themselves against abuses of their rights - to information about employment rights in the UK and how to enforce these rights through statutory enforcement bodies. The site, put together by the TUC's Union Modernisation Fund (UMF), has details of the employment rights that apply to different categories of workers, information about basic rights - from the National Minimum Wage, to working time and annual leave entitlements - and advice on how to enforce your rights at work. The microsite contains five videos created by the TUC and enforcement bodies which explain how the different agencies operate. They reveal the role and purpose of the Pay and Work Rights helpline, the HM Revenue and Customs National Minimum Wage enforcement team, the Gangmasters Licensing Authority, the Employment Agencies Standard Inspectorate and the Health and Safety Executive. Read more at:
Or see the videos at:
Legal update for voluntary organisations: employment, equal ops, health & safety
This is a useful website for Voluntary Organisations. It provides information of a general nature for boards/management committees and staff of voluntary organisations about legal changes over the past year, and forthcoming changes, relating to employment, volunteering, equal opportunities, and health and safety
Get Legal
Get Legal, is a free online reference and decision-making tool for charities, social enterprises and co-operative organisations. Get Legal has been developed by NCVO, with support from BWB, to enable organisations and their advisors to access clear information and guidance on the most appropriate legal form and governance structure for delivering their goals. Visit the website at:
Work-related stress: what the law says
Are you stressed out with work? The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), with support from the Health and Safety Executive, Acas and others, has published new guidance for employers highlighting the importance of managing employee stress through tough economic times. It is in employers' interests to tackle staff anxiety through good people management, and there are legal risks if they ignore their responsibilities. Acas news item at:
or download from CIPD at
HRBank updated with 112 new policies
We have just added 112 new policies to our HRBank. HRBank contains an extensive collection of human resources policies and job descriptions which have been donated by voluntary and community organisations. These are available for organisations to amend and tailor to their own needs. HRBank is free for voluntary and community organisations to access - to do so, visit the NCVO website.