Health and Safety
Health and Safety
Health and Safety Toolbox
A new 'Health and Safety Toolbox' has been created by the Health and Safety Executive, "bringing together in one place everything a small, low-risk business could need to manage health and safety. It makes it easy to find relevant guidance on specific risks with a few clicks of the mouse". Visit the website at:
Updated office health and safety web pages
After the launch of the 'Health and Safety Toolbox' for small, low-risk businesses the Health and Safety Executive have an updated 'Office health and safety' web section. Visit the website at:
PAT testing
The Health and Safety Executive has a section about Portable Appliance Testing. It has a section - "Answers to your most frequently asked health and safety questions on
Portable appliance testing" (aka PAT). Visit the website at:
Reducing the time for office risk assessments
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has produced an online risk assessment tool which allows those working in low-risk office-based environments to do their risk assessment quickly and easily. It aims to "help cut back the time it takes to weigh up the hazards in offices to just 20 minutes avoiding unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy" for low risk activity. Visit the website at: