Safeguarding DA 4


Domestic Abuse - Basic Awareness
"Through the eyes of a child"

The aim of this course is for professionals to develop a greater understanding of a child living/lived in domestic abuse and the issues that can arise for the family. The support professionals can provide for these families, how to identify what is needed and how to deliver it.

Aim: - Raise awareness for professionals around;

  • Impact of Domestic Abuse on child/ren (Charlie)
  • History of the child/ren’s exposure (Trauma/Ace)
  • From a child/ren’s perspective

Outcome: - To improve and raise confidence and provide the knowledge for professionals when working with parents & children. To feel more confident

The course is designed for those delivering projects, activities or services to children, young people and vulnerable adults in the voluntary, community, social enterprise sector. For example people running and volunteering within community organisations.

The training is free.

To book your free ticket please follow this link.

For further information please contact

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Event Location

Rosalie, Ryrie Foundation, 69 Brunswick St, Wakefield, WF1 4PA

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