Voluntary Sector Empowerment
Empowering the Voluntary Sector
Setting the Standard: Data sharing and standards in the voluntary sector
With data sharing becoming increasingly important for voluntary organisations, data standards to standardise the terminology and categories used is essential for successful collation, analysis and communication, for example in consortium working. An article on ICT Knowledgebase discusses two types of data format and what needs to be addressed to move forward with standards. An issue this newsletter has been plugging for years with little sign of progress, but this may help. 'Setting the Standard: Data sharing and standards in the voluntary sector'. Read more on the lasa knowledgebase:
Empowering the voluntary sector (using Public Law)
The Empowering the Voluntary Sector project brings together the expertise of Compact Advocacy, based at NCVO, NAVCA and the Public Law Project. The partners will deliver this innovative project consisting of advice on managing disputes and training in using the principles of public law and Compact to prevent and manage disputes with public bodies until September 2011. The project will also continue to publish regular newsletters with updates, case studies, and hints and tips to manage and prevent breaches of public law and non-compliance with the Compact. The overall aim of the project remains unchanged; to strengthen the relationship between voluntary and community sector organisations and public bodies and significantly increase opportunities to influence funding and other decisions made by public bodies. Find out more from NAVCA at:
Empowering the Voluntary Sector: advice and information on Compact and Public Law issues related to council-owned premises
Many organisations either rent or use council-owned premises. The Empowering the Voluntary Sector project has produced a short introductory guide on how the Compact, public law and equalities duties are relevant and how they can be used where decisions are taken that affect your use of premises. It will help organisations to know where they stand, what their rights are and how they may be able to challenge unfair decisions.
Civil Exchange
This collection of 20 essays Civil Dialogue: ideas for better working between government and civil society, is published by Civil Exchange and DHA, a communications agency working in the voluntary and public sectors. It could be interesting reading. To download the collection of essays go to: http://www.civilexchange.org.uk/civil-dialogue