Secondments and Staff
Really Responsible Consultancy
Starting in 2011 we'll be allocating 50 project managers to charities in the UK and one of them could be with you. Do you have a fundraising initiative you need support with? Or a project you haven't been able to complete? Perhaps you need a fresh perspective on things? Now's your chance to get involved and get the extra help you need to make a difference. It works by Really Responsible Consultancy arranging a meeting between you, the candidate and their mentor/coach so that you can agree what you'd both like to achieve from the partnership over a six month period. This is an opportunity to outline the task or project you need to be completed and to agree an appropriate working relationship between you. £1,000 of the programme fee is donated to your charity to support your candidate while they manage the project.
How to get involved - Charities and social enterprises that are able to demonstrate the passion, drive and commitment required to make the most of this opportunity are invited to apply for inclusion in the 2011 programme. Ask your Fundraising Manager or Director to arrange a meeting with us to discuss your eligibility. For more information, see the Really Responsible website: