Acas Model Workplace
Free and easy to use, the Acas Model Workplace helps you to check how good your organisation is at people management - from recruitment to performance management. Presented in short modules, you can complete as few or as many sections as you want to. And after completing a module, you'll be a given a rating for how effective your current practices are, along with useful advice and links to resources. You will need to have installed Microsoft Silverlight to use the Model Workplace. Visit the website top find out more:
Or, download it from: (Note that the tool requires the Microsoft Silverlight browser plug-in to work, but there isn't any cost for either of them.)
Top tips for better management
A new online resource from employment mediation service ACAS, 'Top tips for better management', brings together what they consider as the best material from a variety of sources. This aims to make it easier for managers to support their staff, impacting on health and wellbeing, how well they do their job, and how well the organisation performs.
Being a manager / leader
These are all from the KnowHownotprofit website and look really useful when so many groups and organisations are going through periods of change. It is an excellent website to browse. The how to adapt your HR strategy in tough times guide has advice about dealing with absence and redundancy.
A recent discussion on KnowHow highlighted that good communication was key to staff and volunteer morale. Find out more about communication and motivation.
The section on managing change has lots of useful material on planning and communications.